Soundcamp (Grant and Max Smith)


Grant Smith is an artist and writer working on sound, transmission, text, domestic and social projects in Loughborough Junction, South London. He co-founded the Soundcamp cooperative with Kirsty Collander-Brown and Maria Papadomanolaki in December 2013. Current projects include the Acoustic Commons (Creative Europe Small Coop Project), Flat out (an installation and remote conversation for LIAF) and Bread Club (a starter dough and skills share).



Grant Smith. Photo by Daisuké Shimotoku, Fuji Iyashinomori, June 2016


Max Baraitser Smith is an artist/scientist currently working with geometry, sensitivity, and infinite time. He is exploring these fields primarily through sound at the ArtScience Interfaculty in the Hague.


Max Baraitser Smith 2019


As members of the London based Soundcamp cooperative, they help coordinate a network of sound and ecology festivals (soundcamps 2014-19) and produce the Reveil live 24hr radio broadcast on International Dawn Chorus Day each year. Soundcamp’s work uses remote listening and DIY technologies to diversify participation in the acoustic commons.


Locus Sonus soundmap