Rossella Nisio is an Italian visual artist with a strong focus on photography and narrative. She has a background in the theory of cinema and performing arts, which she studied in Rome, but moved on to pursue a practical training, first within the field of documentary photography, then drifting towards an autonomous approach to still and moving image making. She completed the advanced photography studies in Ar.Co in Lisbon in 2017 and the MA in Fine Art and Design at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam in 2019.
The Splitering Sun, 5' 40", 2018, Italy
A retelling of the life and work of Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), visionary philosopher condemned to life in prison by the Roman Inquisition, in which the story of the construction of a city evokes the presence of a failed demiurge and, with it, the image of the end of times.
Written, directed and produced by: Rossella Nisio
Editing: Rossella Nisio
VFX support: Lorenzo Bassanelli
Voice over: Lorenzo Bassanelli
Sound design: Rossella Nisio
Additional music: Jean Sibelius, Symphony No. 1 in E minor, Op. 39 conducted
by Robert Kajanus.
Archival photos: G. Eric and Edith Matson collection, hosted at the Library of
Congress (Public Domain)